Last year i had a bank account with -1500$. It was hard times, my company wasn't going well , banks where closing around the world and the credit crunch returned. I was in trouble!
So i decided i needed to step up, i began to generate more profit in my company to get a better paycheck, and decided to control my payments this way i could provide health to my accounts.
I decided that self control was the answer , by omiting my desires i could control my expenses. In order to make that easier , i started to use a small wallet that could only carry money. So when i went to a supermarket , a bar or some kind of store, it was harder for me to spend because i was felling what i had to work to earn that money. If you do that with a credit card it is more easy, you do the math mentally i have 800$ i am only going to pay 200$ , so i have the necessary amount. But when you are counting 20$,40$,60$,80$, you start to think; do i really need this? Can i live without this? Maybe i can use other stuff?
It works like a charm. Get yourself in this Credit Debt Free mode.